The trip started Thursday night around 1030, when we (victoria, julianna, ginan, michelle, annie, kelsey & I) began our trip to London Gatwick airport. We had to catch the tube at russell square and take it to fulham broadway where our Easybus was scheduled to pick us up at midnight. All was going well until Annie, Michelle and I got separated from the others during a sidetrip to tesco. After realizing that the group had moved on without us we caught the tube and took it to the station where we were supposed to switch trains to another train that would take us to fulham broadway. The tube gets screwy around this point and we ended up taking the wrong one which put us really behind timewise. we were late for the bus, and the other group had to beg our driver to wait a few minutes later for us to make it. After sprinting through the tube with our backs in tow, we FINALLY made it to the bus. At this point I was sweaty and gross, and really needing a shower. But this was just the beginning.
Victoria had forgotten her boarding pass at the flat and had to go back to get it, then ended up having to take a cab to the airport which cost her over 100 pounds. But we finally all made it to the airport. I napped there for a few hours (our flight wasnt until 6:15 in the morning). This was interesting as I slept on a bench and since we all knocked out we almost missed our flight, even though we had gotten to the airport 5 hours before our flight was scheduled to leave. The drama continued when Julianna and Michelle's suitcases didnt fit in the carry-on designated bins. Michelle managed to sneak through but Jules had to buy another bag and transer all her stuff before going through security. At this point or flight was ending with the boarding process, so we had to run to the terminal and when we got there everyone had already boarded & theey said they had to go. We stalled as long as possible & julianna BARELY made it on the plane.
We finally arrived in Amsterdam and took the train to centraal station. Our hostelguide, John, met us and walked us to our hostel through the red light district, where there were several overweight, ancient looking hookers that looked GROSS. Before we got to our hostel john asks, "are you guys smokers? do you want to stop and get some weed on the way there?" this shouldve been an indicator of how the rest of the weekend would go. Since I was staying in the same hostel as the boys, we of course stopped. FInally we made it to the hostel and it was AMAZING. It was two stories, with an amazing view. I dont know why it was called a hostel, it was more like a cabin.
After napping a bit, we went on a canal cruise around amsterdam. this gave us a good overview of where things were and it was really pretty. Amsterdam is such an old city with such beautiful architecture. Afterwards we walked through the city and got some really good Olliebollen (which is a pastry made with raisins & powdered sugar) & then we went to the Sex Museum. It was interesting if not mostly disturbing, lol. I went out with Michelle, Annie, Michael, and Ginan to a bar called queens. I got a really good drink & tried some dutch fries :)
The second day I went to Anne Frank House, which was the warehouse that Anne Frank & her family hid in during WWII. It was so moving to see how she had to live in order to keep from being discovered. It made me want to read her diary, which I probably will do this summer. After the house we got some really amazing pancakes at The Pancake Bakery. I got a mexican pancake and a brazilian pancake. The mexican one had chicken & peppers, the brazilian one was sweet with caramel ice cream & nuts. we walked to Vondell Park and looked for the Iamsterdam sign, but we couldnt find it. We ended up just walking a lot in the snow. It was freezing and snowing and a far walk. This is probably why I got sick.
Sunday I went to the Van Gogh museum. this took a while since I take my time at museums. Unfortunately i didnt have time to go to the Rijksmuseum :( There just wasnt enough time and I was basically dying (my illness had steadily progressed since I couldnt get any drugs, not being able to read Dutch and all...). I went to bed early after eating with Michael & Michelle at Wagamama's. It was so good. I had the Wagamama's Ramen.
This morning I woke up early to make it to the airport with plenty of time, so as not to repeat the stress of the airport experience to Amsterdam. I have to say, I was quite ready to come back to London. Amsterdam just wasn't my cup of tea. I enjoyed the museums and the city, but I was so over the red light district and the constant smell of marijuana. After going on this trip Im definitely against legalizing weed because I felt like the city was so much dirtier and stinkier then it should've been. But I'm glad I went now because I don't think Amsterdam is a city I'd like to go back to, unless it was just for the museums.
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